Here’s why everyone is talking about the Tesla Referral Code

If you are in the market looking for a car there are many options to choose from. One of the most popular cars in the market today is the electric powered car which is redefining the automotive industry. Most likely you have come across Tesla electric vehicles when looking at both new and used car markets. Tesla has managed to become a trendsetter in the electric car industry despite being a late entrant in automobile manufacture. Why opt for a Tesla electric vehicle? To get an answer to this it is important to get some background. The Coming of Age of Tesla Electric Cars While the idea of an electric car dates back to 1832 it is only in the late 20th century that the idea started taking shape. While electric cars were popular in the early 1900s the cost was beyond the ordinary consumer and more importantly the performance was way below the gasoline powered vehicles. Today the electric vehicle (EV) is receiving more attention as the automobile industry faces m...